The current Communications Directors are .:=Cj=:. and =YakItzMeh=
Unity is important as it is why Habbo itself it here, people from all over the world connect through this. And with the help of CIA, a community of amazing people, our endeavor has been given a greater reason to achieve.
Communications Division aims maintain the active and collaborative communications of all CIA members to preserve one of our CIA Community's core values. Through this website, the CIA forums and by keeping track of our fellow CIA members who constatly reminds us of why we are striving to work hard and lead them. Thus, we strongly encourage you to be a part of our vision. Be an example of an industrious worker. Be a role model for those who have just started their journey with the CIA. Display a great respresentation of camaraderie among the CIA community.
- Directors of Communications
Have any questions for .:=Cj=:.? Post them in the form below!
Meet the CommUNICATIONS Team

Cø- Dir. øf Comms


Co Webmaster

R.ø.C [F]

R.ø.C [W]


Trail R.ø.C