Agency: Secret Service
Owner: SS-Director
Agency: SWAT
Owner: Jmmey321
Agency: White House
Owner: Financier
Agency: MI5
Owner: CoreStars
CIA Alliances

What you need to become a Ally:
- 3.5K and above members on a standard badge identification.
- Must have a fully working and operated base to a high standard.
- Your staff must all work and co-operate to their tasks, be friendly, and just cause no conflicts between the two agencies; your agency, and CIA.
- Must follow our policies of alliances at all times.
Alliance terms and conditions
- When in the base follow the CIA way; respecting our Staff, no raiding, spamming, or trolling, no using neon or colored chat, no swearing or using breaking habbo way.
- Clear contact with Death-Rider123
- Allies have the privileges of obtaining our alliance badge and attending CIA events.
- If a CIA member is caught going against any of our allies in anyway we would ask if the alliy handles it in any way they deem fit.
- Don't afilliate with any raiding or trolling groups ie: Russians.
- Do not Allie with United Nations. (Owner: Scottyy?!)
If you wish to have an alliance with [CIA] - contact our Alliance Director;
Death-Rider123 for more information. :)