Special Unit was created by Cloud13Master, and .:Zaiyan:. on 25 December 2011, just a year after CIA was made. Special Unit has bought lots to CIA, such as Security, helping CIA run smoothly, and so much more. CIA needs advanced security agents to keep CIA running! It is also considered one of the popular divisions within CIA. Here are some very important people within the Special Unit division, see them for help, information, or further questions.Owners of Special Unit, .:Zaiyan:., Cloud13Master, and Hunnysugar1.Co-Owner of Special Unit, Adam2263. Security Director, BrunnoBartowski.
Deputy SD
SU Overseer
SU Team Director
SU Team Task Man.
Snr. SU Instructor
Snr. SU Instructor
Snr. SU Instructor
SU Instructor
SU Instructor
SU Instructor
SU Instructor
Current Security Director is BrunnoBartowski. If you have any questions for him submit the form below.